
To increase the awareness of jobs available to Manitobans in the film and television industry.

Film Industry Information Sessions

Film Training Manitoba recognizes the importance of community outreach and we offer free sessions for those considering a career in the film industry. These sessions provide a broad overview of the opportunities available to the public if they are interested in a career in Manitoba’s film and television industry.

School Program

Youth often have a general interest in filmmaking but have little knowledge of the jobs that are available to them or how to find a job in the industry.

FTM tailors presentations to schools, both secondary and post-secondary, to advise students of the job opportunities available in the film and television industry.

Career Fairs

FTM travels throughout the year to career fairs and community events to provide demonstrations, and presentations to students and potential crewmembers in Winnipeg and in certain parts of rural Manitoba.

Career Consultations

FTM Training Coordinators are available for one-on-one career consultations at the FTM office, by email or over the phone. These consultations may include (but are not limited too) topics such as training opportunities in film, working on film sets and in the production office, and providing information regarding industry partners and the programs they offer.

For more information, please contact us at:

Film Training Manitoba
204 – 245 McDermot Ave
Winnipeg, MB R3B 0S6

Ph: 204.989.9669
Email: info@filmtraining.mb.ca
