The UWPG Film Festival 2024 started on October 23, with Film Training Manitoba’s (FTM) Super 6 Series Panel beginning the festival. This is the third year that FTM has partnered with the festival on this panel. The panel gives aspiring and experienced film professionals the opportunity to learn about first-hand experience in the film industry from Manitoban film professionals and an opportunity to ask questions.
This year’s Super 6 Series consisted of Sidney Phommarath, JJ Neepin, Trevor Hnatowich, Joshua Hood, and Haley Charney as the panellists, with FTM’s Allison Bile moderating. The panellists discussed challenges they faced in the film industry and how they overcame them, where they are currently in their careers, the importance of networking, skills needed for being successful as a freelancer, and gave advice to newcomers to the industry.

The panellists finished by answering questions from the audience. Then FTM held a draw for our upcoming Lights! Camera! Phantom! Phantom of the Paradise Panel happening on November 1, 2024, and a draw for our Supporting Women in Film Trades (SWIFT) Conference 2024 on November 30 and December 1. More information about the panel and the conference is available on our Film Training Manitoba website.
The panel was hugely successful, with over 50 attendees and largely positive feedback.
The festival runs from October 23 to October 26, showing screenings of students’ works and awards to be handed out. You can view the UWPG Festival’s showings and times here: https://uwpgfilmfestival.com/. The festival is free to attend and open to the public.

FTM is a non-for-profit charity and member of the Province of Manitoba’s Sector Council program funded through the Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources. FTM builds a highly skilled and adaptable film industry workforce to support the activities of Manitoba production companies. FTM collaborates and partners with members of the film industry to identify training needs to support workforce development.