Film Training Manitoba (FTM) and the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT) held a joint meeting on March 23, 2021 to recognize Beverlie Stuart’s critical leadership role in the development and launch of FTM and MITT’s innovative ACTION! Plan. Beverlie Stuart is the current Acting Vice President, Academic at MITT.
The ACTION! Plan is a collaborative partnership supporting 200 MITT students in receiving training and career coaching to enter Manitoba’s dynamic film industry.
There is no doubt that Manitoba’s film industry has benefited greatly from Beverlie Stuart’s efforts. To recognize this outstanding partnership, for the first time in FTM’s history, our board of directors voted unanimously to present Beverlie Stuart with a special award of recognition.
“Bev Stuart is an exceptional Manitoban that inspires in so many areas of career development which is critical to building and growing the Manitoban economy,” said FTM’s Managing Director Adam Smoluk. “FTM is very honoured to work with Bev and the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology. We are looking forward to continuing to partner with MITT well into the future.”
Beverlie is passionate about career development and has influenced career and workforce development in Manitoba throughout her career. She is a strategic thinker, planner and implementer. She is rarely content with the status quo, always trying to improve service, enhance the understanding of career development, and educate others on the importance of career development in both the workplace and the school systems.
As stated by colleagues, Bev’s greatest contribution to career development has been her ability to think about her client base and make strong connections to the employer community. Working on the front line with Youth Employment Services for 11 years and as a board member for both Career Trek and Manitoba Start, Bev gained a strong appreciation for the needs of the clients the career development community serves.
She was instrumental in creating career initiatives in her role with the Alliance of Manitoba Sector Councils and as the Executive Coordinator of the Minister’s Advisory Council on Workforce Development.
She was the 2018 Bill Schulz Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for advancement of career and workforce development in Manitoba. She continues to connect industry with future employees in her current role at MITT.
About Film Training Manitoba
Film Training Manitoba is a member of the Province of Manitoba’s Sector Council Program funded by the Department of Economic Development and Training. FTM provides workforce and human resource development to build a highly-skilled and adaptable workforce to support the activities of Manitoba production companies.
FTM collaborates with members of the film and television industry to identify the training needs within the community. With this information, FTM offers industry-driven, skill-based training that is targeted where labour gaps occur.
FTM media contact
Mauro Ferritto, Senior Programs & Communications Manager
Tel: 204-989-9669 ext.3 or email: mauro@filmtraining.mb.ca