Film Training Manitoba (FTM) is conducting an election at our annual general meeting (AGM) in late July. We are encouraging applicants to put their name forward for consideration to our board of directors.
If you wish to put yourself forward for a board of directors’ position, submit a cover letter and resume no later than July 7th, 2023 at 3pm to info@filmtraining.mb.ca with the subject line: FTM board recruitment 2023.
Experienced professionals working within the post-secondary, business, the MB film industry, organizational finances, and legal or labour matters are considered assets as potential FTM board members.
FTM’s goal is to develop a highly skilled and adaptable workforce to support the activities of Manitoba production companies. FTM collaborates with members of the film and television industry to identify the training needs within the community. With this information, we can offer practical, skill-based training that is targeted where labour gaps occur.
FTM strives to be an inclusive and safe space for all. We strongly encourage applications that are members of underrepresented groups, such as: woman, indigenous peoples, or people of colour; diverse gender and sexual identities (including LGBTQ2+); people living with dis/ability, etc – your leadership and voice is needed. Qualified applicants are encouraged to identify on their resume.
All Directors are elected for terms of two or three years and may be re-elected to serve a maximum of nine years of FTM’s Board of directors. Directors will be elected to a position by our board member at our AGM. Following the AGM, the board will choose its Executive Officers, as per FTM’s Bylaws.
Please consider carefully whether you can fulfill the responsibilities set out below. If you are not selected for nomination this year by our committee, we will keep your interest on file for future years.
Responsibilities and Duties of FTM’s Board Members:
Service as a member of FTM’s Board of Directors requires time, dedication and commitment to FTM’s mission and mandate. Board members must participate fully in their roles and functions. The Directors of FTM are responsible for setting goals, defining organizational policies and priorities, and approving plans to achieve our goals.
FTM Board members are required to act in good faith and in the best interests of FTM, to formally sign a document declaring any real or apparent conflicts of interest, and to respect the confidentiality of sensitive information.
Part of the due diligence required of Directors is attending Board training, meetings and keeping yourself informed about the affairs of FTM by reading the materials prepared as well as FTM’s newsletters, and e-mail bulletins. The board typically meets in-person five times yearly, with additional board and committee teleconferences, as required.
FTM is a non-for-profit charity and member of the Province of Manitoba’s sector council program (through the Department of Economic Development and Jobs). FTM conducts workforce development and training to build a highly skilled and adaptable film industry to support the activities of Manitoba production companies. FTM collaborates with members of the film and television industry to identify the training needs within the community.