
Film Industry Costume Training: CAFTCADEMY 200 (VIA ZOOM)

January 29 – 10:45am to 4pm (CST) *Please note this session is exclusive for Manitobans $80.00 ($40.00 for IATSE 856 Members and Permittees) Held in Partnership with Canadian Alliance of Film and Television Costume Arts and Design (CAFTCAD) , Film Training Manitoba and IATSE 856 Introductions:  10:45am to 11am CST  11am to 12:30pm CST – Module 1 – Petty …


Film Training Manitoba’s Top 10 of 2021

As Manitoba’s workforce development and training organization for the film industry, Film Training Manitoba has cavalcade of training, partnerships and other initiatives each year. Our team has put together a best of list to share in the beginning of 2022 to look back on our year in 2021!  #10: FTM’s Reel Career’s Profiles 26 Manitoba …


JAWS Screenwriter Instructs Masterclass for Film Training Manitoba & Indigenous Filmmakers Association

Manitoba’s workforce development and training organization for the film industry, Film Training Manitoba (FTM), and the Indigenous Filmmakers Association (IFA) have partnered to have master-level Hollywood-based screenwriter Carl Gottlieb instruct Manitoba screenwriters. On February 24th from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm (CST) FTM and IFA will be conducting a 90-minute evening lecture that is available to all registered Manitobans (via …


Congratulations Rachel Rusen

Film Training Manitoba wishes to congratulate Rachel Rusen on her appointment as a provincial court judge. Since 2019, Rachel served as​ Chief Executive Officer and Film Commissioner of Manitoba Film and Music (MFM). Since that time, MFM and FTM partnered on a number of actives including the well-received TAKE 5 Industry Sessions at the Gimli Film Festival to …


Congratulations Gary Nelson

Our team at Film Training Manitoba (FTM) wants to wish The Directors Guild of Canada – Manitoba District Council’s Gary Nelson a happy retirement! Gary’s career as a Union Representative began in 1977. Most of his career has been in the representation of nurses and other health care professionals in Canada, and the United States. …


Productive Film Productions – A Masterclass with Drew Locke & Aaron W. Graham

In partnership with the Directors Guild of Canada – Manitoba District Council December 16th (7:00 PM to 8:30 PM) – Via ZOOM Price: $20 Outline:  During this 90-minute ZOOM panel session, long-serving Unit Production Manager and Line Producer Drew Locke and moderator Aaron W. Graham will engage in an in-depth session on working within the …

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