Online Courses

FTM is pleased to offer online distance education courses through our website, which are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

To register for these courses, participants are required to provide a current email address and make full payment to Film Training Manitoba (FTM). Once payment has been made, FTM will email participants a username and password which will allow the participant to have full access to the online course materials and test, and a link to the online courses.

Two ways to register with FTM:

Please note: Upon completion of registration, FTM will send the participants the course link within 3 business days.

Course Details

You have one month to complete the online course, which takes approximately 3 – 4 hours to complete. The test is open-book and in order to receive a certificate of completion, a passing grade of 80% is required. You may re-write the test as often as you like, however a $30 fee will apply each time.

Students from secondary or post-secondary schools registered for FTM’s courses as a part of their studies, must fully complete the courses by the end of the school year. Students who do not complete or pass a course that wish to re-take a course will be required to fully re-register and pay for the course in full.

FTM receives the tests results on the 1st and 15th of the month, and participants who have passed the online course(s) will receive a PDF of the certificate via e-mail within 3 days of FTM receiving the official results.

Note: FTM can reprint a copy of your course certificate. Please call us at 204-989-9669 for more information.

We advise participants to us Firefox as their browser when doing the online courses – as it’s the browser most compatible with the online content.

Participants who have taken an online course and are looking to re-fresh their knowledge – as information gets updated over the years – may do so for $30.

Course Description and Pricing

Set Orientation – $110.00
Set Orientation encompasses an understanding of the filmmaking process, and includes familiarity with the various procedures that are vitally important for communication and scheduling on a day-to-day basis. Since productions can employ many people in diverse fields, crewmembers rely on set etiquette for standards of behavior, terminology, and communication between departments.

WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) – $60.00
The objective of the WHMIS course is to provide the information and skills required to work with WHMIS-controlled products safely. FTM’s WHMIS course is tailored for the film industry. Topics include: WHMIS symbols & labels, classification of controlled products, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and controlled products handling and usage.

Locations – $70.00
The Locations course provides training in the roles and responsibilities of the Locations Department. Topics include: the implementation of logistical plans for the production unit; professional standards of conduct including maintaining filming locations per contracts and monitoring the safety of cast, crew and the public.

Intro to Paperwork – $70.00
An introduction to the many forms and documents encountered when working on a film or television project (or “show”). This course outlines the standard paperwork used in production offices including: the start pack, scheduling documents, call sheets, sides, the daily production report, and accounting forms.

Safety Awareness – $90.00
This course explores the potential hazards and procedures to follow in order to keep those around you safe and healthy. Participants receive instruction on the use of special protective equipment, location of first aid and emergency response equipment, and procedural information regarding reportage of unsafe or potentially dangerous conditions that could affect workers, co-workers or third parties.

Propane Safety – $60.00
This course provides practical information on the safe handling techniques of propane. Participants are introduced to the basics of proper storage, operation, and refueling of propane cylinders. Also outlined are fire safety procedures and the uses for propane on set.

Leadership, Management, and Supervision in the Film Industry — (limited time introductory price) $85.00

Given the film industry’s highly technical and fast-paced nature, individuals can often be promoted or advance in positions with little or no training on how to lead, manage and supervise. This can provide significant challenges. This course will provide in-depth leadership, management and supervision skills for participants. Topics include: How the Film Industry Operates, Supervisory Management Tasks and Strategies, Work/Life Balance, Privacy and Setting Boundaries and more.

Working as an Extra: Intro to Background Performing – $45.00
This course is designed to help new participants learn the most effective techniques in working as a background performer or extra in film and television productions. Participants will receive an overview of the various crewmembers that they will come into contact with and how to work effectively in the team environment in film and television productions.  Participants that pass the open book test will receive a certificate.

Introduction to Post-Production – $45.00
With the growth of the film industry the working relationships between on-set film professionals and post-production personnel is more important than ever to create film and media productions. This course is designed to demystify the various stages in post-production and improve the understanding of some of the needs and requirements of post-production. This course is not designed on how to be an editor but for working and aspiring film professionals to learn more about this critical stage in the filmmaking process.

Required Courses

International Cinematographers Guild (ICG) 669 

  • Set Orientation
  • Safety Awareness

Directors Guild of Canada

  • Set Orientation
  • Locations
  • Intro to Paperwork
  • Safety Awareness
  • Propane Safety

Course Bundles are available here.


All online videos can be viewed by selecting the link below. The latest version of Quicktime is required to open these videos.

Set Terminology
General Set Ettiquette
Blocking, Lighting, Rehearsal
Working with Actors
Set Safety
Weather Considerations
Job Descriptions
