FTM’s safety workshop partner – SAFE Work Manitoba – offers a number of on-going, in-class prevention workshops for all industries.
We recommend these basic prevention workshops to all workers in the Manitoba film and television community.
You can register for these workshops – free of charge – through SAFE Work Manitoba.
Objective: Participants will leave with a clear understanding of the 11 required elements of a safety and health program and how to promote a positive safety culture in the workplace.
Who should take this workshop: Everyone. This workshop sets the foundation for all other SAFE Work Manitoba workshops.
Objective: Participants will learn about the role and obligations of the safety and health committee in the workplace.
Who should take this workshop: Workers and employers who are on a safety and health committee or who would like to join one. Committee Basics is a great starting point for all safety and health committee members.
Objective: Participants will leave with an understanding of the role and obligations of supervisors when it comes to safety and health, and how they can influence safety culture in the workplace.
Who should take this workshop: Current and potential supervisors.It is recommended that participants take at least one of Prevention Basics, SAFE Committee Basics or Supervisors and SAFE Work as a prerequisite before enrolling in the workshops below.
Objective: Participants will learn four methods of identifying hazards, along with how to assess risk and implement methods to control risk. Emphasis is placed on workplace inspections and SAFE Work procedures.
Who should take this workshop: This workshop will be particularly useful to supervisors, safety and health committee members, managers and employers, but will benefit workers as well.
Objective: Participants will learn the eight steps of conducting a workplace safety and health investigation and how to avoid common mistakes.
Who should take this workshop: This workshop will be particularly useful to supervisors, safety and health committee members, managers and employers, but will benefit workers as well.
Objective: Participants will focus specifically on MSIs – how they develop, how to assess the risk of experiencing an MSI, how to prevent them from occurring and how to create proper safety and health policies when it comes to MSIs.
Who should take this workshop: This workshop will be particularly useful to supervisors, safety and health committee members, managers and employers, but will benefit workers as well.
Objective: Support workers, supervisors and employers in creating a harassment and violence- free workplace. The day will focus specifically on harassment/violence – what it is, what legislation says about it, prevention strategies and how to properly address it.
Who should take this workshop: This workshop will be particularly useful to human resources professionals, employers, safety and health committee members, but will benefit workers as well.
SAFE Work Manitoba has partnered with the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) to offer WHMIS 1988 and WHMIS 2015 e-learning to complement an employer’s onsite training. Participants can complete an exam and receive a certificate of completion. Visit SAFE Work Manitoba to register.
For SAFE Work Manitoba‘s latest training schedule, and information on training locations and how to register, please see the following link:
SAFE Work Manitoba is the unified prevention organization responsible for promoting and delivering services related to workplace injury and illness prevention.