Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra presents Music, Movies & Maddin

Join celebrated Winnipeg filmmaker Guy Maddin as he takes you on a journey of music and movies, and explores how classical music is used in Hollywood’s famous films such as: The Incredibles, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Amadeus, Apocalypse Now, Austin Powers, The Shining, Blues Brothers, Manhattan, Platoon, 10, Excalibur and Fantasia.

Guy Maddin’s most distinctive quality is his fondness for recreating the look and style of silent or early sound era films. His award-winning feature films include Tales from the Gimli Hospital, The Saddest Music in the World, Brand Upon the Brain, and My Winnipeg, to name a few.
Along with resident conductor Richard Lee, you will be surprised and mesmerized by how classical music is interwoven into popular culture.

Tickets available at the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra and all Ticketmaster outlets.

WSO Box Office: 204.949.3999

Ticketmaster: 204.780.3333

Please visit for more details.
