My name is Ashley Hyra, and I started working in film as a makeup artist seven years ago. I have been a member of IATSE 856 for just over four years. I am self-taught in beauty makeup and did an out-of-kit MUFX course in Belfast, Northern Ireland, but I continue to learn new techniques and experiences while working with the many talented members of the makeup department here in Winnipeg.
When and how did you start in the media production industry?
I started in 2016, and it was actually through the FTM/IATSE trainee program I worked on “Behind the Glass,” now known as “Look Away,” under Brandi Boulet, who is an incredible makeup artist.
What area of the film industry do you work in now and why?
I am a makeup artist, and I work in this field because I always had a love for anything creative and being able to be creative every day at work is something I am so grateful for.
What has been a substantial change in the industry since you started?
Thankfully, I joined the industry just as it was starting to get busy, and it has gotten constantly busier since, so there are more opportunities, more workshops/masterclasses to attend for many different departments, and lots of new faces!
If you could give yourself advice today to yourself in the past, what would it be?
Don’t let not getting a project determine your worth. It’s so easy to focus on the “I’m not good enough” voice in this industry where many of us are applying for the same job. Just remind yourself that “when it’s meant to be, it’ll happen,” and the jobs you do end up on will always be the right ones for you.
What advice would you give to someone starting in the media production industry?
Connect with those in the department you’re interested in! Ask questions and sign up for classes that can play into those departments when they are available. While this world is fun and exciting, it is still a job at the end of the day. Show up on time (or even early) bring a positive attitude and a good work ethic!
Why is learning and training important?
In this industry and certain departments, there is always going to be something new to learn or new ways to do something that may even be easier than you thought! You will learn something new almost every day on this job, be it through classes or on set from your peers/coworkers.
What are some of the films, TV series or even books that have inspired you? How about something new you’ve been into?
Horror movies and series have always inspired me. I am always interested in character makeup and transforming someone completely with smaller-scale prosthetics into full-scale pieces. The detail and work that goes into those transformations are always incredible!
Is there someone within the film industry you would like to work with and why?
Eryn Krueger Mekash and Mike Mekash would be amazing to work with. Their work is always incredible, from beauty/corrective makeup to effects work. Eryn has worked here once before, so if she ever came back, even just to meet her would be incredible.
Donniella Davy would also be amazing to work with because of all the incredible looks she has created for the show Euphoria, which is always ahead of their time and intricate but unique to each character.
Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
Still working in this industry, still learning from others and still knowing I get to work every day doing something I love and how lucky that is.
FTM is a non-for-profit charity and member of the Province of Manitoba’s Sector Council program funded through the Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources. FTM builds a highly skilled and adaptable film industry workforce to support the activities of Manitoba production companies. FTM collaborates and partners with members of the film industry to identify training needs to support workforce development.